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Information on Self-Efficacy


   Information on Self-Efficacy    

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Saturday,  July 23, 2005

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  Professor Albert Bandura



  Self-Efficacy and Social Cognitive Theory

If you want to learn about Prof. Bandura's social cognitive theory, you probably ought not rely on the (often flawed) translations and brief theoretical soundbites provided by others. If you don't have time for the magnus opus, read the Professor's own article below. You'll be glad you did.


  Books about self-efficacy


Be on the look out for Self-Efficacy and Adolescence, a forthcoming volume in the series, Adolescence and Education.
With a preface by Prof. Bandura, and featuring

1.       Albert Bandura on Adolescent Development From an Agentic Perspective.

2.       Barry Zimmerman and Timothy Cleary on Adolescents' Development of Personal Agency: The Role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Self-Regulatory Skill

3.       Dale Schunk and Judith Meece on the Self-Efficacy Development in Adolescence

4.       Nancy Betz on Developing and Using Parallel Measures of Career Self-efficacy and Interests with Adolescents

5.       Steven Brown and Robert Lent on Preparing Adolescents to Make Career Decisions: A Social Cognitive Perspective

6.       Robert Klassen on Too Much Confidence? The Self-Efficacy of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

7.       Anita Woolfolk Hoy and Heather Davis on Teacher Self-Efficacy and its Influence on the Achievement of Adolescents

8.       Ralf Schwarzer and Aleksandra Luszczynska on Self-Efficacy, Adolescent's Risk-Taking Behaviors, and Health

9.       Gian Vittorio Caprara, Eugenia Scabini, and Camillo Regalia on The Impact of Perceived Family Efficacy Beliefs on Adolescent Development

10.    Uichol Kim and Young-Shin Park on Factors Influencing Academic Achievement in Collectivist Societies: The Role of Self, Relational, and Social Efficacy

11.    Gabriele Oettingen and Kristina Zosuls on Self-Efficacy of Adolescents across Culture

12.    Deborah Feltz and T. Michelle Magyar on Self-Efficacy and Youth in Sport and Physical Activity

13.    Mimi Bong on Asking the Right Question: How Confident Are You That You Could Successfully Perform These Tasks?

14.    Albert Bandura, Guide for Creating Self-Efficacy Scales.

15.    Frank Pajares on Self-Efficacy and Adolescence: Implications for Teachers and Parents



  Information on Self-Efficacy Measures

Important Note: Many of the self-efficacy scales found on the web are highly problematic. Before deciding on a self-efficacy instrument, please note this caution and read carefully Professor Bandura's Guide for Creating Self-Efficacy Scales.

  • Dissertation Self-Efficacy Scale, designed to assess self-efficacy to complete a dissertation (here in pdf). Provided by Dr. Jim Varney. Contact Dr. Varney for additional information regarding the scale, as well as information on his study, "A Study of the Relationships Among Doctoral Program Components and Dissertation Self-Efficacy on Dissertation Progress."
  • Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, by Albert Bandura [scale is in English and Chinese].
  • Exercise Self-Efficacy, from the CPRC.
  •  Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS) from the University of Michigan. A popular scale used in numerous excellent studies. Includes student academic self-efficacy and teacher self-efficacy scales¡ªpdf format. Mirror here.
  • Principal's Self-Efficacy. Raya Brama, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has developed a scale to assess a school principal's self-efficacy in five domains - general management (organizational management); leadership; managing the school relationship with its environment; human relations; and pedagogical management. Email Dr. Brama to obtain the scale and receive more information about his work.
  • Self-Efficacy for Multiple Intelligences. Bandura and Gardner are joined! Courtesy of Edgardo Perez. In .pdf format. Fine scale.
Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin have developed several scales, including teacher self-efficacy, collective teacher self-efficacy, and self-efficacy for self-regulation.
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